Heywood Consulting currently facilitates Mentoring programs for Catholic Education, Archdiocese of Brisbane, the Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services (DCCSDS) . We have just written a DCCSDS Mentoring Guide as a resource to support their Mentoring Program participants. Eileen Heywood has written numerous articles and resources on Mentoring and presented the first ever paper applying Appreciative Inquiry to Mentoring Program design at the Second International Conference on Appreciative Inquiry in 2004 at Miami, Florida.
Heywood Consulting has had the privilege of designing and facilitating over 12 Indigenous mentoring programs (for the Community Services Skilling Plan) since 2008. That work has taken us from Mt Isa to Thursday Island, to Charleville and many wonderful communities in between. We have partnered with Elders and key community members to write resources to support Indigenous mentoring. We recognise that mentoring is a culturally appropriate development process and are passionate about supporting the development of supportive and sustainable relationships. Our role is to create the conditions in which the seeds of those relationships can be planted, nourished and bear fruit.
Heywood Consulting recognises the pain, injustice and loss that has been inflicted on Australia’s first nation people. This is our starting point. Moving forward, we believe that strengths based approaches provide a means for us to build on the reserves of dignity, strength and hope that exist in all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Our intention and effort is to use language, tools and processes that are culturally appropriate and accessible to all.