Our customized programs, workshops and facilitated sessions are designed in response to our clients’ needs.
Our leadership programs build on current strengths to develop individual capability and organisational capacity. Our programs are contextualized according to role, level and organisation. We are currently facilitating Module 3 of the Leading from Where You Are Program, a two day 'into leadership' program for the Department of Education and Training.
The photo below captures participants from Australian Aerospace at one of the Top Management Meetings we facilitated to grow their leadership skill set.
We ensure that your workshops deliver outcomes that are built on collaboration, shared meaning and group commitment. Our skilled consultants facilitate a wide range of workshop types including:
Team building
Strategy development
Business planning
Identifying and articulating values
Developing action plans
Our broad range of experience in supporting major organisational transitions in both the public and private sectors, makes us a leader in the field of change management. From long-term change strategy development through to one-off change workshops, we enable smooth transition and organisational alignment with strategic objectives. We supported Rio Tinto through a major 3 year change process.
Mentoring programs deliver the highest impact for the lowest cost of any professional development. Our flagship mentoring programs build and sustain your organisation's capability and is an essential tool for succession planning. We are proud to support a number of Indigenous mentoring programs and have developed resources, tools and ways of working in consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
We use Appreciative Inquiry to facilitate strategic planning workshops that engage key stakeholders and deliver rigorous planning documents that provide your organisation with a tangible, credible and authentic future focus.
As a testament to the strength of our client relationships and the quality of our services, we have designed and facilitated Annual and Strategic Planning processes for a particular Independent Public School (IPS) for a decade.
We have a long history of enabling community engagement and have worked for both State and Local governments to support them to engage with their communities on a range of issues.
Our tailored engagement skills workshops gives your staff and leadership an understanding of the rationale for engagement and tangible skills to build relationships, collaboration and meaningful engagement with stakeholders.
Our customised team development programs deliver tangible results and maximise team cohesiveness. There is magic in a well functioning team - our unique programs enable this magic to happen, and keep happening.
Building resilience is essential in a world of discontinuous change. Concepts of stress management are outdated and decreasingly relevant in offering solutions to the challenges of the 21st century. Our expert consultants draw from eastern concepts including mindfulness and meditation as well as the western approaches to the science of happiness to embed resilience in your staff and organisation.
Collaboration offers tangible benefits to NGOs, public and private sector organisations. However, collaborative working skills are widely under-developed in many organisations which prove resistant to moving beyond silos as the dominant way of working. This workshop enables participants to develop the underpinning frameworks and skills on which collaboration is built. You will explore alternative and different perspectives and elaborate and build on ideas. Participants will develop both an understanding of the impact of personal values on relationships and interactions and the ability to move beyond fixed views and discipline based perspectives.
Learning communities demonstrate an interdisciplinary, self-organising approach to the design process with a general goal of supporting community members in their learning and performance. You will learn techniques that enable you to listen attentively and actively, to facilitate dialogue, and to think creatively and collaboratively.
Building on the work of Daniel Goleman (1995), our Emotional Intelligence Programs understand that emotional competencies can be learned and organisations can maximise the potential of their staff at all levels. Through Emotional Intelligence programs, organisations gain more emotionally competent staff who function more effectively, cooperate more productively and stay longer. We see Emotional Intelligence as a ladder, starting with self awareness, building skills in self regulation and motivation and finally building skills in empathy and influencing with integrity. We have facilitated programs in Emotional Intelligence for the Health and Community Workforce Council, the Department of Education and Training and many Not For Profit agencies.